Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2013
Download the journal as a PDF here
This publication represents a year’s work by an incredibly talented and dedicated group of undergraduates. The journal was first conceived early in my final year when it became apparent to me that ambitious undergraduate researchers lacked a platform for their work. Beyond just gaining high marks, students considering a career in academia had no way in which to experience the world of academic publishing.
From my experience working on an undergraduate journal while studying abroad, I witnessed first hand how a multidisciplinary journal not only stretched students and encouraged high quality research, but also brought together those with shared interests from across disciplines and faculties, breaking down traditional barriers and fostering collaboration. This is therefore a journal for undergraduates by undergraduates, allowing students to also try their hand at peer reviewing and gain editorial experience. The topic of human rights stemmed from both my own passions and also a belief in its power to be truly multidisciplinary, allowing contributions from the arts, social sciences, sciences and technology to be printed side by side.
Hannah Tigerschiold Editor-in-chief 2012-13